Miniature Schnauzer Puppies for sale in Qld, Australia
Merindah Farm’s registered kennel name is Merinschnauz, breeding healthy and well socialised Miniature Schnauzer Dogs in Qld. We value ethical breeding practices, caring for the whole of life of the animal and respecting their unique traits, and we highly value communicating with and respecting our customers.
We have beautiful healthy Miniature Schnauzer puppies available
We have trained young Miniature Schnauzer dogs available, perfect for the person who wants a Mini Schnauzer in their life but doesn’t want to start at the puppy stage.
We do the hard work so you don’t have to.
We call them Coffee Shop Ready!

What’s Important to Us?
Our breeding animals are healthy, loved and respected, they are DNA tested and we don't support inbreeding practices.
Our dogs enjoy living in environments that meet all of their needs. We work hard to ensure our animals have the best of care and ensuring they have a high level of training and development to make them a pleasure to manage.
We value communication and respect for our customers and work hard to provide support both before and after the animals go to their families.
We work with families to provide information and training services both before and after the animal goes home.
We also provide a training service for families who have not purchased animals from us.

Subscribe and receive a gift of our own special doggie Raw Food Recipe Book.
Developed over time by us, it keeps our dogs and puppies healthy and happy.