Training your Miniature Schnauzer from a young age is critical, they are very intelligent pups that will train their owner if the opportunity presents and the end result of this is often undesirable. Effective training involves

  1. Understanding how the Miniature Schnauzer thinks and what ‘drives’ them ie what their instinctive behaviours are.

  2. Learning to engage their brain to listen to their owner’s voice rather than to their inner voice which drives their impulsive and often overstimulated behaviour.

  3. Clear, consistent and effective communication that the dog understands

  4. Commitment to spending the time to guide your Miniature Schnauzer to be the best version of itself. Dogs aren’t programmable, they require stimulation and engagement much like we do, otherwise they will go stale and start acting on their own impulses.

An improperly trained Miniature Schnauzer will be very vocal, highly impulsive and over-excitable when taken on walks and will often lunge and pull hard on the lead.

A properly trained Miniature Schnauzer is a delight to take out socially, they will walk politely on the lead, calmly meet other dogs and people and be happy to remain with their owner at all times. We can help families to guide their puppy to be that wonderful and delightful dog to take everywhere easily.