Schnauzer Colours

In Australia, Miniature Schnauzers come in four recognized colours which are Salt and Pepper, Black and Silver, Pure Black and True White.

In America’s Kennel Council (AKC) only three colors are recognised, being Salt and Pepper, Black and Silver and Black. Other accepted but unofficial schnauzer colors in America are White, Parti-color, Chocolate or Liver, Red and Wheaten, Merle, Silver Platinum and Blue and Lilac.

It is worth knowing the more common Australian colours of the Miniature Schnauzer when searching for pups and breeders on the internet. We know people who are now our clients, who have been scammed for buying a pup off a website that had a lot of the accepted American colors, of which we really don’t see a lot of in Australia.

Salt and Pepper

In the Salt and Pepper Miniature Schnauzer the eyebrows, beard and legs will be light gray or silver white. When stripped for the show ring, the body hair is banded in various shades of black, white, gray. The hairs of the harsh topcoat are banded, alternating black and white and then back to black. Salt and Peppers come in various shades, from almost silver white to almost black.

Black and Silver

The Black and Silver Miniature Schnauzer follows essentially the same pattern as the Salt and Peppers, except the body coat color is solid black. The beard and legs tend to be silver white and the dark hair may extend farther down the legs.


The Solid Black Miniature Schnauzer is entirely black with a black undercoat, except they may have a small white patch on the chest.


The True White Miniature Schnauzer has a coat that is completely white. This color can range from pure white to a slightly off-white or cream shade. The white coloration should be consistent throughout the coat and these dogs do not have any other markings or patterns. Some white dogs can show reddish saliva stains in their beards. A dog’s nose gets its color only from its eumelanin pigment. Dogs with a black-based pattern will always have a black nose. Also, any visible skin pigment like eye rims and lips and even the nails and paw pads will be black. The True White Mini Schnauzer is not an albino.